Join the Texas Tri-County Chamber
Non-profit 1 representative receives member benefits & discounts, business name, phone & address listed in member directory. |
$50 |
Associate 1 location, 1 representative receives member benefits & discounts, business name, phone & address listed in member directory. |
$200 |
Non-Profit Plus 2 representatives receive member benefits & discounts, organization name, phone, address, and link to website in member directory. Includes all benefits in non-profit package as well as: opportunity to put promo items in ribbon cutting goodie bags, 1 free ad in our eblast and social media per year, & entered into the annual lottery for a chance to receive a donation from our event proceeds. |
$250 |
Business / Community (includes schools & government entities) 1 location, 2 representatives receive member benefits & discounts, business name, phone, address & link to your website in member directory. Opportunity to put promo items in our ribbon cutting goodie bags, 1 free ad in our eblast and social media per year. |
$500 |
Partner 1 location, 4 representatives receive member benefits & discounts, & business name, phone, address, logo & link to your website in member directory. Includes all benefits in lower packages as well as: discount pricing on sponsorship, 2 free website pop-up, e-blast, & social media ads. |
$1000 |
Elite Partner 2 locations, 6 representatives receive member benefits & discounts, business name, phone, address, logo & link to your website in member directory. Includes all benefits in lower packages as well as: 2 free tickets to monthly luncheons & 1 event per year. 4 free website pop-up, e-blast, & social media ads. Logo on our website homepage & weekly e-blasts. |
$2500 |
Premier Partner 4 locations, 8 representatives receive member benefits & discounts. Business logo, name, phone, address & link to your website in member directory. Includes all benefits in lower packages as well as: 2 free tickets to 2 events per year. Free monthly website pop-up, e-blast, & social media ads. Logo on all event banners & website rotating banner. |
$5000 |
Foundation Partner 8 locations, 10 representatives receive member benefits & discounts, business name, phone, address, logo & link to your website in member directory. Includes all benefits in lower packages as well as: 4 free tickets to monthly luncheons & all events per year. 5-minute presentation at a luncheon or mixer of your choice. Opportunity to send quarterly text ads. Logo on our social media. |
$10000 |